Total Medals Earned: 55 (From
25 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 390 Points
infect a total of 100 red bloodcells.
purchase your first upgrade.
destroy a white bloodcell.
at first i was afraid, i was petrified.
spawn a total of 300 germs.
oh my god it's so intense!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
infect a total of 2500 red bloodcells.
upgrade damage to level 10.
have 65 germs alive at the same time.
destroy a total of 900 white bloodcells.
upgrade latency to level 11.
spawn a total of 10000 germs.
upgrade immunity to level 9.
upgrade auto-infect to level 8.
survive a stage without infecting a single bloodcell.
earn 3500 EP for a single stage.
finish 5 stages in a row without dying.
start from scratch after completing stage 25.
upgrade reproduction rate to level 6.
finish the final stage of the campaign.
earn a total of 70000 EP.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Find me two sporks
Kill a Jesus in COP TRAINING.
Lose at ROPE JUMP.
Sweep and miss 10 times in SWEEP THE LEG.
Try both game modes in one session
Lose 10 times in one session of play.
Poke the mammoth in the eye
Read the instructions
Submit a score
Destroy 10 asteroids in ASTROIDS 2.
Win RACE with 3 seconds or less left on the clock
Eat 15 food items in DIET RUN in one try.
Reach a score of 5000 points or more.
Get 3 perfect stops in CHARGE.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10
Get all 3 balls to fall on the correct platform in PIPES.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10 and then QUIT your game from the PAUSE menu.
Get a streak of 10 or more.
Destroy 10 planes in JETS.
Beat THE FINAL STAGE without losing a single life.
Serve 40 beers in BARTENDER in one try.
Finish half of STORY MODE
Get a score of 10 000 points or more.
Win KALCULATOR in 7 operations or less.
Get a streak of 20 or more.
Win 30 games in RANDOM MODE with 10 lives remaining.
Complete STORY MODE with all 10 lives.
Get a streak of 50 or more.
Reach the door at the end of Level 1
Reach the door at the end of Level 2
Reach the door at the end of Level 3
Reach the door at the end of Level 4
Reach the door at the end of Level 10
Reach the door at the end of Level 5
Reach the door at the end of Level 6
Reach the door at the end of Level 7
Reach the door at the end of Level 8
Reach the door at the end of Level 9
Reach the door at the end of Level 11
Reach the door at the end of Level 12
Reach the door at the end of Level 13
Reach the door at the end of Level 14
Reach the door at the end of Level 15
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Boomerang the bat on the first screen.
Complete the easy round.
Finish with under 400 clicks.
Complete the medium round.
Kill the boss.
Finish with under 300 clicks.
Complete the hard round.
Finish with under 200 clicks.
Meet Bee!
Meet Mitch!
Meet Shirley!
Kill the magician!
Survive the cannibal attack
Reach full happiness in the happy shack without making any 'slip-ups'
Find all 8 useable tools in the game
Survive 10 days without dropping below 25% Energy
Survive 10 days without dropping below 25% Hunger
Survive 10 days without dropping below 25% morale
Survive 10 days without dropping below 25% Thirst
Construct all 11 buildings within 10 days
Find wilson on the day that he washes on to shore!
A Nice Center Smash
Five Love Taps
Far Right Smoosh
Cut Off a Conversation
Ten Crush-Hugs
You Obey the Rule of Three for Big Yucks!
Far Left Hit
Fifteen Gory Love Lunges
20 Hits in Survival
Perfect Score in Story Mode
21 Spikey Embraces
30 Hits in Survival
40 Hits in Survival
50 Hits in Survival
Mr. Lester... First name Mo.
Stranger Danger commercial!
Never take candy from strangers!
Decide to play the game.
Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.
Try to bribe Big Frank too early.
Try to grab all the tables.
Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.
Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.
Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.
Figure out the only way to die in the game.
Finish the game in under 2 minutes.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Place a bomb on destructible terrain
Upgrade any turret to its maximum
Fully upgrade your armor
Fully upgrade a hand held weapon
Buy all hand held weapons at once
Finish Zach Scrap's Campaign
Last 2 minutes in survival mode